Body Creams and Moisterizer for Cellulite

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Body Creams and Moisterizer for Cellulite

Post by zenibee »

Being an acne sufferer I've only skimmed the cellite section but haven't been able to find anything in the book or on the forum about what body lotions or moisterizer to use while trying to get rid of cellulite. Do the same rules for acne apply? Meaning should I not be using anything with a high Vitamen E content or any moisterizer used to retain water etc.? What should I use???

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Post by Oscar »

Are you trying to get rid of acne as well as cellulite?
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Post by zenibee »

Yes both. My main concern is the acne though but if I can get rid of the jigglies too then GREAT! I'm starting the sample diet this week so I'm in the process of getting everything I need.
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Post by Oscar »

Read rule #8 here:

The oils you can use are:
Only use an oil that is low in vitamin E, since vitamin E accelerates shedding of the skin.
Oils that contain the least vitamin E (per 100 gram) are:

6 mg. linseed oil
3 mg. sesame seed oil
3 mg. walnut oil
2 mg. coconut oil / Monoi oil

Cocoa butter contains even less vitamin E (1 mg.) but that can clog your pores. One of these oils will do just fine.
Getting rid of cellulite goes slowly, so don't expect it to be gone soon.
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Post by zenibee »

Thanks. I don't expect any miracles...not overnight anyway! :wink: But just to clarify as rule#8 seems to more so address acne...still only use a low vitamin e oil on the BODY and while the skin is still damp? What did your girlfriend use on her body on a daily basis? You're the one whose girlfriend has started to lose her cellulite right?

Also, what does Wai say about oil pulling???
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Post by RRM »

zenibee wrote:Thanks. I don't expect any miracles...not overnight anyway! :wink: But just to clarify as rule#8 seems to more so address acne...
still only use a low vitamin e oil on the BODY and while the skin is still damp?
Yes. Extra shedding (due to high vit. E) means accelerated aging, regardless on what part of the body.
Also, what does Wai say about oil pulling???
What's that?
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Post by zenibee »

Oil pulling is a type of cleanse where you swish oil (olive, coconut etc.) around in your mouth to pull out toxins from the body. I haven't tried it before but it's supposed to help a lot with different illnesses, including acne. Apparently oil is a big part of a lot of cleanses in addition to supplying the fat we need on the WAi diet. All the recipes for liver flushes that I've come across require a great amount of even uses egg yolks, OO and lime juice! DOes Wai ever do any liver flushes or bowel cleansing? When I was doing the Master Cleanse I came across a website called curezone where a lot of acne sufferers said their skin improved greatly after a thourough bowel cleanse and series of liver addition to a changed diet of course! Can't get around that one!!! :roll:

Here ise the link on oil pulling:
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Post by Oscar »

As far as I know there is no scientific basis for oil pulling whatsoever.
Regarding cleanses, it has been discussed in other threads, but the bottom line is that they also damage the body. This damage has to be repaired, so it's a trade-off.
When you stop ingesting toxins (i.e. eat according to the Acne Sample Diet) your body will start cleansing itself, so no external cleansing will be needed.
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