Yellow Head Outbreaks at Start - How long does it last?

Spots, zits, pimples, cysts, etc.
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Yellow Head Outbreaks at Start - How long does it last?

Post by MartyD »

Sorry for this but i did a search and never found anything on this while searching the forums.

Its just a general question as ive been on the diet now 4 weeks, mind you 2 weeks 100% but im still breaking out in small pussy yellow heads which i know is a good sign and its just trapped puss finally coming to the surface.

So yeah just wondering how long this lasted for all of ye, just to see how long i can expect this for myself even though i know everyone is different.

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Re: Yellow Head Outbreaks at Start - How long does it last?

Post by RRM »

Its only a matter of weeks,
so hang on in there a little longer.
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Re: Yellow Head Outbreaks at Start - How long does it last?

Post by Pineapple »

This is pretty much what I am currently going through. It has almost been 4 weeks for me as well but only 2 100%. Well, it will be that way this weekend, so you are a bit ahead of me. I've been breaking out with the tiny zits for over a week now. I hope it goes away for both of us! If not I'm thinking of trying to eat less sugar and maybe some more vegetables and bone broth to see if that helps. Meanwhile, I'm going to stick to this diet and try and get more sun. I've been staying cooped up in the house and I think that is making it worse. Good luck.
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Re: Yellow Head Outbreaks at Start - How long does it last?

Post by MartyD »

Yeah its kind of a sickener all right, it sjust when you hear of all the two week miracles that some people have, it kind of makes one a bit unpatient and worried but yeah gona keep it up.
Pineapple wrote:Meanwhile, I'm going to stick to this diet and try and get more sun. I've been staying cooped up in the house and I think that is making it worse.

I think thats my problem also, as im working 9 to 6 in an office and am usually cooped up in the house for the rest of the day so yeah I think the both of us need to get out in the sun a bit more, i dont think it will do us any damage anyway! Im heading to the canary island next week, so hopefully it will do me a bit of good as well!
Pineapple wrote:Good luck.
Same to you, hang in there.
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