Greetings!! Hormonal Acne?

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Greetings!! Hormonal Acne?

Post by Angie »

I found this site while traveling. I read the acne book and many posts on the old site. I have been doing the sample diet for 2 weeks, and with munch food for 2 more weeks now. I love it. It contains all my favorite foods... I love the mental clarity, and how my body is changing (a little bit of weight loss, smother skin, more 'curvy' I love eating avocados, oil, and sushi. I love the raw egg yolks, what a brain rush! I feel like there are nutrients in this diet I didn't get before. However, I really miss dark green lettuce, sprouted grain bread, carrot juice, cooked brocoli, potatoes, and my gormet cooking experiments. javascript:emoticon(':twisted:') I want to give this a really good try though.

From what I've read, drinking tropicana OJ and occasional frozen blueberries, etc shouldn't be -that- bad. This is what I have access to right now. Thing is, my acne is at times better than before, but at other times worse than before. I would love it if some of you would take a look at my very extensive journal, and give me some advice. I'm thinking it's hormonal acne - based on -when- my breakouts happen - twice a month.javascript:emoticon(':shock:')

Even if if is, I would likely keep this as my default eating pattern for the day, and occasionally eat a social meal with family and friends... and I would add back in my other favorite foods mentioned above. javascript:emoticon(':)')

Each line is one meal, all foods on that line are eaten together, in the order written. :) Thanks so much!!!

Wai Diet Journal
Day 1
Weight: 126.4lbs (6 fruits)

glass hot water w/apple cider vinigar and lemon wedges for cleaning the system
Blender Drink: 2 yolks, 1 banana, 4 strawberries, orange juice, olive oil
Glass OJ w/ 2 tbsp olive oil
2 figs, 1 walnut
Salad w/olive oil, apples peeled, baby carrots
salmon 80g
face: aloe vera + tea tree oil + burts bees royal face cream

Thoughts: Mixing eggs, bananas and orange juice made my stomach rumble. Eat eggs on their own. Eat just one banana for breakfast, and snack. I was too jittery with sugar, or down without it. Eat more of the low-sugar fruits. 2 eggs or 50 g fish for women (oops). I can increase eggs once acne is gone. The eggs and fish aren't very fresh. They're not harmful, I can tell, but they're not at the peak of freshness. I feel warm all over like I do after eating a steak, warm from too much protean? I felt fine after the first piece, but still hungry. So I went for the second piece, and nope, now I have a tummy ache and sore muscles. Same thing after the steak, I felt fine before, and sore nerves after. Insteresting. BAD Nerve pain after the 2nd piece of salmon. ate at 6:50. 8:20 earliest. About to eat traditional salad with family.

Tomorow's plan:
1 bananna at breakfast - don't blend - heat. Figs, dates, carrot juice (add walnuts?)
Walnuts to munch on, egg as a mid-morning snack?
avacado salad at lunch, with any other fruit I want
apples as a mid-afternoon snack, orange juice as a pick-me-up only…
eggs/fish at 5pm, or just after sauna
bananna at bedtime, for seratonin, orange juice as a pick-me-up in the evening.

Day 2 Saturday, November 24th Weight: 125.8 (8)

1 Bananna, strawberries, 2 eggs in blender
2 figs, one of each
1 glass carott juice
1 glass diluted OJ w2 tsp oil
Salad: cucumber, tomatoe, papaya, ginger, green onions
1 apple
1 glass OJ w/2 tsp oil
100g salmon

Face: sesemae oil

Did I eat too much? I had no avacados so I substituted papaya. I definatly feel fat. I also feel bloated, like I"m not combining foods in the right way. I would rather eat less at a time. Perhaps really reducing the protien, ie, not salmon for awhile, would be the best. The salmon gives me very mild stomach pains. I guess 50g/day is best for now.

'Buteyko' and 'Become Younger' both place emphasis on vegitables. I think I will include more carrotts and dark green lettuce salad. Maybe eggs right after my daily walk is best, in the evenings. Maybe 1 egg in the morning as a snack. I feel -very- clear minded, almost no emotional reactions. St. John's Wort withdrawl is hard, but the clarity allows me to work much better.

Day 3 Sunday, November 25th Weight: 125.4 (8)

Bananna, 2 eggs, 1 fig
carrott juice (big glass
Cranberry juice mixed w/ OJ and oil
Salad: tomatoes, cucumber, green onion, ginger, papaya
2 apples, walnuts, w/ melted butter on them, small tsp of cream cheese
Cranberry juice w/oil

FACE: bad. dry. new red bumps. inflamed. Nothing I put on it seems to help. I wonder if it's the oj, carrott juice? Also, eggs -must- be eaten on their own, then no water, and wait 3 hrs. Dinner I guess.

I just read the following things must be excluded for first 2 weeks: Pasturized OJ, any pasturized juice. Ginger, too much garlic (indigestion) lettuice impedes digestion on -this- diet.

Foods that are iffy: Carrots - best vegie you can eat. Corn is ok, mushrooms are ok. Some leaves for flavor are ok. It's best to introduce all those foods after the 2 weeks. Looks like day one will start again tomorow. I must still ask if carrots and carrot juice are ok on sample diet.

Day 4 Monday November 26th (8) 124.5 lbs

Bananna, orange, apple
figs and dates
pear and cucumber, small green salad w/some cashews and canned oranges
2 eggs
2 apples
1 oranges
avacado pieces

Read that carrot juice (only) is okay, frozen blueberries are okay (sometimes) and pastureized juice is 'okay' as long as I do everything else right.

Day 5 Tuesday November 27th (9) 123.4

2 oranges
salad: tomatoes, papaya, cucumber, avacado, chives
orange/cranberry juice w/3 tbsp olive oil
1 yolk
50g salmon w/oil and honey
banana (w / salad)

Face: really dire from crying. Red and blotchy. I think I react to sesemae oil too. I think burts bees products may work better than oil.
I think I didn't drink enough water.
also, research what to eat w/salmon.
Also, follow protien restrictions more closely, if hungry, eat avacado+cheese.
I put urea creme on my face - amazing! Woke up w/smooth perfect face, except for leftover dried out red spots. 7 of them.

Day 6 Wednesday, November 28th (8) 123.4
Banana, figs, dates
Salad: avacado, blueberries, grapes, papaya, tomato, cucumber, ginger
Olives, salad
2 eggs

Face: inflamed still, itchy. Used sunscreen Hawaiian Tropic 4, it has nothing bad in it, great.

Day 7 Thrusday, November 29th (6) 125.4 4 days before period
Banana, figs, apple, walnuts (some were mould infested)
OJ and Oil 1 glass
1/2 avacado
2 oranges
50g salmon

Face: Good. Some Red dry spots left from previous acne. Some areas I can see the pores now, which look like bigger holes. Near my nose, under my eyes. Not inflamed today. Great. Started using Coconut Oil today. It still felt itchy/red so I just used more, and re-applied throughout the day.

Back: blackhead acne, Dry skin - cocunut oil doesn't help as much, neither does olive oil. Use less soap.
Walnut? Grapeseed?

Day 8 Friday 125.4 (11)
coconut oil

Banana, 1 mandarin, fig
Salad: avacado, grapes, strawberries, tomato, cucumber, olives
2 oranges
2 apples
1 banana
2 eggs, oil, sguar
3 grams chocolate

Day 9 Saturday 125.4 (12)
coconut oil

Bananna, 2 mandarins, fig, 6 walnuts
1 apple
2 mandarins
1 mandarin, 2 dates
Salmon 50g
1 glass fresh squeezed grapefruit juice, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp oil
Salad: mango, avacado, strawberries, tomato, cucumber, olives
1 small potato w/butter and spices

I go off the pill tomorow.
I think the grapefruit juice (fresh juice) is important, but only really necessary after eating protien to keep blood sugar up. I've been eating extra fat (oil) too, to help with PMS.

orange (2)
Cucumber (1/2)
Apple (2)
Grapefruit juice

That's ten fruits.... or I could have 3 oranges and 1 bananna....but I like the seratonin in banannas...I feel fantastic after eating them. I will use other fruits to garnish, such as strawberries, grapes, blueberries.
I've stopped the blueberries - they are frozen - but bought fresh from a farmer's market in the summer and frozen by us.
Walnuts w/bananna in the morning works well. Grapefruit juice w/salmon works well...
eat protien at night 1 hr after dinner.... try that.

Face: is taking on a nice color, nice glow... the zits are not really gone, but they're not as bad as usual for just about to have a period. Usually there's 2-4 big ones froming, and there aren't now. I need 3 weeks to try this, I think. Then maybe a break of eating normal dinners around christmasstime... then back at it with fresh florida oranges for juice.

Daily Plan at this point:
-Bananna, fig, walnuts, dates
-2 oranges + salad
-2 apples + salad
-bananna (pick-me-up)
-Salad at dinner with walnuts
-grapefruit juice sipped after that

Day 10 125.4 (3 new bumps this morning - middle of face looks better) 10
Face: Coconut Oil
Day before period
-2 mandarins
-bananna, oil, 3 dates, 5 walnuts, 2 figs
-2 mandarins
-2 dates
-salad (cuc, tomato, mango, strawberries, olives) 3 cooked carrots, 3 tbsp mashed potato,
-salmon w/olive oil at 11:20 pm (salmon gave me a tummy ache)

once salmon runs out, try eggs for 3-4 days and no walnuts

Day 11 Tuesday, December 4th 124 lbs
Face: Bee Royalty Creme
Day 1 of period

-banana, mandarin
-banana, apple, tea at grandmas.
-Tropicana OJ, cranberry juice (pure) and oil
-salad at dinnertime. Avocado, strawberry, cucumber, tomato, chives
-small amount of mushrooms fried in butter

Extra zit scars from PMS???? new small bumps
Face is thinner and sagging, also very dry. I took some photos today. I look bad. I miss my fancy cremes.

Day 12 Wednesday December 5th 124.0 lbs 9 fruits
Face: refined grapseed oil
Day 2 of period. Daylight photos. Roll 58. Looked a little better.

-banana, mandarin, tomato
-OJ, cran, oil
-2 apples, large glass carrot juice
-2 eggs
-salad (half)

Face: Started using grapseed oil. Read last night that too much Coconut Oil is can dry the skin. Stopped Salmon and nuts temporarily to see. Face looks better already. Best to use grapseed, jojoba, mink.

Day 13 Thursday December 6th 123.2 lbs
Day 3 of period

-Banana, dates, mandarin
-salad: tomato, cucumber, avcado

Face: becoming very nice. Grapseed Oil is fantastic. Remember don't touch my face, no soap, only water, as little as possible.

I read that other acne triggers include nuts, dried fruits and any processed juices. Eggs are no problem, Salmon can be a problem, but just stay w/in the limit. So I'll try eliminating that stuff (keep salmon) and see how it goes. Can 50g salmon / day really cause acne in some?

Day 14 Friday December 7th 122.6 lbs
Period Over: day 1 of cycle
-banana, mandarin, 1/2 avacado
-fruit salad and green salad at lunch, a few bits of cheese.
-OJ and Oil
-small cup of hot apple cider
-salad: apples, cucumber, tomato, green onion, 2 bits of apple sauce w/cinamon
-3 eggs

Chiropractic adjustment today - nerve pain got much worse. Christmas Tree shopping!!! Lovely blue tree!
Hurt nerve pain, it's hard to think. I broke down and took 2 St. John's Wort (anti-depressent, sedative) 1 melatonin (sleep inducing hormone) and 3 eggs (vitamins). The chiropractor suggested that I have Fibromyalgia. I'm frustrated and yet relieved to put a name on it No one seems to take me seriously though.

Day 15 Saturday, December 8th 122.6 lbs
Face: grapseed oil

banana, oranges
honeydew mellon
Blueberry Pie - tummy ache
3 eggs - queesy

Thoughts: The pie tastes funny to me. I can now taste cooked egg if it's in something. The cooked-ness of the wheat tastes like singed coals. Seriously. YOP!!! lol!

I had 3 eggs though, and this made me feel a little sick. Likely the eggs were iffy.
eggs before bed - so i didn't sleep well. They didn't help me sleep after all.

Face looks great :) 1 big bump not bad.

Day 16 Sunday, December 9th 122.6 lbs
had usual, banana, orange, 1/2 avocado
1 cheese biscuit w/butter and honey (It was soooo goood!!!!!)
Fried Mushrooms - the burnt ones taste like carbon. lol.

Face: 1-2 new small bumps not bad

Day 17 Monday, December 10th 122.6 lbs 10 fruits
banana, 1/2 avocado, mandarin
OJ and oil while doing errands
2 mandarins
1 apple
75g salmon w/ginger, honey, oil
munch food meal of humus, olives, salad, spinach phyllo pastery, olives, and sugar cookie - tummy ache. This was at a free yoga class. It would have been rude for me to not eat the free vegitarian meal offered. So I ate it, and was very friendly/happy with everyone. However, I won't be going back.... lol. I like heated yoga much better... YOP!

FACE BROKE OUT BAD ON FOREHEAD: IS IT THE WHEAT????? It was a low protein meal....?
-I wore powder makeup? I ate a whole 'normal' meal... I had tropicana OJ in the morning
-It could be the powder makeup or the wheat in the meal, or the ginger w/the salmon

Day 18 Tuesday, December 11th 125.8 lbs

banana, mandarin, 1/2 avocado, 5 walnuts
2 mandarins
1/2 papaya
2 small sausage rolls
50g salmon
grapefruit juice and oil
salad, black fig, mandarin
weighed 123.5 by evening again - so something was definatly bad. And all water weight. That's protien, that tells me it's the salmon, but it could also be salt in that vegitarian meal.

Face: BAD. fresh new breakout all along my shoulders, neck and forehead. I wonder if it's regional according to food eaten. I will keep eating salmon everyday and eliminate munch food and nuts. It's like the beginning, where OJ, nuts and salmon were eaten a lot. Eggs don't cause a problem.....

I had a physiotherapy treatment today - they also suggested fibromyalgia. I will have it officialy diagnosed of course, but the idea is to become much more physically active. That's easy...I can do that :)

Evening Supliments: St. John's wort, melatonin

Day 19, Wednesday, December 14th, 122.6 lbs
SAMe, St. John's Wort, Magnesium. Nerves are bad today. Oops, sam-e causes irritation.
Face: wore a tiny squrt of bee-royalty creme mixed w/grapeseed oil, and some light powder

banana, 1/2 avacado, mandarins, 1 yolk
salad (tomato, cucumber, avacado, papaya, green onion)
OJ and Oil
1 small sugar cookie
2 mandarins
2 mandarins
salad, salmon w/oil, lemon, honey

Face: getting better. Little white bumps (wheat?)
St. John's wort before bed, melatonin

Day 20 Thursday, December 13th 123.5 lbs
magnesium, potassium

1 yolk, 1/2 avocado, banana, mandarin
grapefruit juice and oil, with a little bit of oj, and some red juice
mandarins in between each errand stop, sipping juice
banana and 1/2 avocado
3 small pieces of pizza (I was feeling really down that day).
1 mandarin

FACE: very bad anyways, new pimples appeared throughout the day. By the time I ate the pizza, I didn't care anymore lol. I feel very -blank- mentally after the pizza. It was good, but won't do that again soon. I don't like the mental blankness, I can't think it's too much like being depressed. Was I like this -all the time- before??? wow!!!

NOTE: Don't drink OJ or any processed juice. Eat mandarins and bring a small bottle of Olive Oil to swig. lol. occasional nuts/figs but not too many. Fish every day. Eggs. Always make my salad in the morning before breakfast - that way it acutally gets made.

Day 21 Friday, December 14th 123 lbs
Face: grapeseed oil

-mandarin, oil
-banana, mandarin
-salad: avocado, papaya, tomato, cucumber, green onions, papaya
-baby carrots
-salmon, oil, honey
-grapefruit juice, sugar, oil
-banana, salad
-2 apples, oil

The grapefruit Juice is juiced by me, the OJ is tropicana - flash pasturized. The walnuts are shelled. The salmon is fresh farmed. the apricots and figs are sun dried. The honey is questionable, as are the dates.

Well, I know it's a long one... I'm hoping someone will look at it... I'm going to allow myself all the exceptions I want over Christmas, and then try another sample diet in January...

Happy Holidays!
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Post by Oscar »

I'll read through it later, but you should continue the Acne Sample Diet until your skin is absolutely acne free. Only then can one start experimenting with munch foods. :?
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Post by RRM »

You had your period within the first 2 weeks of the sample diet and then you started eating munch foods way too soon.
Please try to completely clear your skin first.
Once you have achieved that, you can start re-introducing munch foods into your diet.
Angie wrote:From what I've read, drinking tropicana OJ .... etc shouldn't be -that- bad.
for many it definitely is that bad.
It can totally mess up your skin.
to eliminate that risk, first do the 100% sample diet until your skin is totally clear.
Thing is, my acne is at times better than before, but at other times worse than before.
Thats what happens when you reintroduce munch foods way too soon.
I'm thinking it's hormonal acne - based on -when- my breakouts happen - twice a month.javascript:emoticon(':shock:')
There is no reason to think so, as you havent tried to totally clear your skin first.
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Post by Angie »

Thank you for your help Oscar and RRM. I really appreciate it.

Silly me, I should have known that javascript:emoticon(':oops:')

I was hoping that since I saw visible improvement within the first three weeks, that I could simultaneously introduce munch foods. I was also going with the 'two week sample diet' idea. Perhaps the body is more sensitive during the clearing process? Is it possible that my body will be more tolerant of munch-foods once I have adjusted?

I also thought that since I've always eaten healthy, including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, that it would only take a month or so to clear me up. :) Oops. I was even born 'clean', as my parents were 80% vegetarian/raw (except for cooked eggs and salmon) at that time. Ah well, such is the price of...ego..? something :)

I don't really have cravings, it's more of a social thing, regarding the munch foods. When I do eat something forbidden, it's never quite as good as I dreamed it would be, and it's not worth it. :)

One thing I do crave though, is carrot juice. Is this a munch food?
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Post by RRM »

Angie wrote:Perhaps the body is more sensitive during the clearing process?
Absolutely. Not just during the clearing process. Also after.
Thats because it has to do with a shift in water balance.
For example:
If there are 10 salt units in the blood and 10 salt units in the skin, 1 extra unit in the skin will not make that much difference regarding the water balance. If, hower there are only 2 units salt in the skin and blood, 1 unit extra or less will have a much bigger impact.
Our blood and lymph mineral and protein levels are kept within certain margins, and with the sample diet, its on low side, regarding sodium and protein, for example. So, yes, with the sample diet your skin is more vulnerable for the influence of salt and protein and your water balance.
Is it possible that my body will be more tolerant of munch-foods once I have adjusted?
Probably not, but eventually you will be able to tell how much of anything bad your skin can tolerate.
I also thought that since I've always eaten healthy, including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, that it would only take a month or so to clear me up. :) Oops. I was even born 'clean', as my parents were 80% vegetarian/raw (except for cooked eggs and salmon) at that time. Ah well, such is the price of...ego..? something :)
Ha ha :D
I understand you. Thats exactly why it is often hard to debunk excisting health myths; we like to think that all those years of 'being healthy' were not in vain. Maybe its not ego, but the need to believe that we are (and have been) doing 'the right thing'.
When I do eat something forbidden, it's never quite as good as I dreamed it would be, and it's not worth it. :)
Thats a classic one; everybody has that.
One thing I do crave though, is carrot juice. Is this a munch food?
In general, yes, unless you make it yourself, in a juicer that works with centrifugation (not blending).
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Post by Oscar »

Angie wrote:Is it possible that my body will be more tolerant of munch-foods once I have adjusted?
I'd say it's more likely that you will be more sensitive, but in such a way that your body will take care of the toxins much faster.
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Food sensitivity and carrot juice

Post by Angie »


The explanation about levels of salt makes sense, though I had a low salt intake before. I ate fruits, nuts, sprouted grain bread sandwiches, with avocados, tomatoes, cream cheese and bacon (I ate this for lunch every day for a couple of years), lots of salad, cooked salmon, chicken, baked potatoes, broccoli and of course chocolate.javascript:emoticon('8)') I didn't use a lot of salt, as I thought it was bad for you, but I did use a lot of other herbs and spices; garlic, cilantro, black pepper, cloves and cinnamon. I drank a lot of herbal teas with honey as well.

Is it possible in theory that someone could clear their acne by keeping their salt and protein levels higher than the sample diet, but absolutely consistent? I understand this would be undesirable for many other health reasons, but in theory only, it's interesting to consider... I find all of this fascinating.

I'm very sensitive to everything including frozen and cooked fruits, but I can already tell I heal quickly too.

I make carrot juice at home using a juicer with a centrifuge. There's no blending involved.
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Post by Biev »

When you mentioned in the beginning that egg made you feel all warm, it did that for me too, and at first I'd fall asleep within 15 minutes! And sleep like a baby... And the explanation that... was it RRM? gave me was that I'd lacked the cholesterol and fat before. (Which is true. Sleep too). But, it's been 4 weeks now, and I don't get my warm fuzzies from the eggs and fish anymore : c

I miss them, now I have a hard time falling asleep again : P
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Re: Food sensitivity and carrot juice

Post by RRM »

Angie wrote:Is it possible in theory that someone could clear their acne by keeping their salt and protein levels higher than the sample diet, but absolutely consistent?
The basic sample diet will give you a clear skin, and once your skin is clear you can start experimenting how much protein and salt / spices your skin tolerates without breaking out again.

I understand this would be undesirable for many other health reasons, but in theory only, it's interesting to consider... I find all of this fascinating.
I make carrot juice at home using a juicer with a centrifuge. There's no blending involved.
Ah, ok
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