Glad I read this first, because these last days have not been easy for me. This is, as I said before, I withdraw Prozac doing a tapering of 2-week duration. The more I read on the Internet, the more I see stories of people that had a huge relapses after withdrawal, doing a fast tapering/cold-turkey. Actually, usually it's not really a relapse, it's just withdrawal symptoms. What I have been feeling really coincides with all the symptoms and the time of them to appear more intensely.
- Confusion, disorientation, forgetfulness, lethargy, sluggish
- I don't know if this is a symptom or not, but my left knee fails me sometimes, this is, my knee bends forward. It feels like I don't have strength for a moment (could be something like Joint Stiffness?)
- Insomnia, some nightmares
- Palpitations
- Libido Decreased
"How do I know it's withdrawal and not relapse?
Typically, in withdrawal symptoms such as melancholia, anxiety, and disorientation come in intense waves, which differentiates them from relapse of a psychological condition."
(source: ... -syndrome/)
I don't understand, but it seems most psychiatrists ignore the withdrawal symptoms as well as mine. ( ... ntry106638)
I have been reading what they say here (and in other sites too), and I was willing to do a reinstating ( ... -symptoms/), doing then a tapering of 10%, even if it takes me months ( ... my-dosage/).
RRM wrote:Novidez wrote:I am feeling lethargic, somehow depressed, experiencing insomnia, fatigue, laziness, with less energy overall and even more forgetful]
This is because you are gaining weight rapidly.
You feel like crap because you consume way too much energy.
This hurts the system that controls your energy.
Novidez wrote:Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Weight: 68.6 Kg
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Weight: 69.5 K
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Weight: 70.4 Kg
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Weight: 71.5 Kg
So, you are gaining about 1 kg per week...
That translates to overeating of about 9000 kcal per week, which is 1286 kcal per day.
Your reported daily energy intake over the last 3 weeks was 4232 kcal on average, so that your actual energy requirements may be about 2946 kcal per day.
I suggest to decrease you intake of oil and sugar.
I have read that on a typical day you may consume 15 tbsp (= about 45 teaspoons) of sugar and 6 tbsp of oil. That is about 1456 kcal.
If you reduce that to 1 tbsp of sugar and 1 tbsp of oil, you will no longer gain weight and feel much better.
Basically, the only reason I started taking more Sugar and Oil was because I wanted to gain some weight. Maybe it was too fast indeed... But, I did this post -
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3735 - and this is what I ate before feeling that way -
viewtopic.php?f=23&t=3729&start=15#p42571. It seems that I ate around 2732 kcal before eating on an emergency. Since then I became I little traumatized to experience the same... And, actually, this day -
viewtopic.php?f=23&t=3729&start=30#p42768 - I have experienced the same sensation, but it was, of course, less intense. Even though, this time, before compensating it seems that I had eaten a total of 3611 kcal already. I mean, I don't know what is my BMR, but it seems quite high, needing so much energy.
In conclusion, after all this, I really don't know what to do...
On one hand, It's not that I am quite happy about returning to Prozac, even if it is a lesser dose, but I was willing to do a test if my symptoms would reduce or not. It's curious that I felt these symptoms before but they were easy to deal with. Now, the problem is when they are coming back again, they are coming with much more intense compared to the first "waves".
However, I must say also, the weird part is that symptoms like forgetfulness, confusion, joint stiffness seemed that they are here to stay. And I have been feeling them gradually over time.
And one the other hand, you have a different approach here (which is an approach that I had already thought before, but the last thing I wanted to blame was what I am eating). Although, this is what has been the most difficult to me: to find what is the real causer. Curiously, of course, to help and trigger my confusion, the sugar can cause almost the same symptoms I have said before (that's why I was being annoying about it sometimes). But, I don't know... I don't if it is the excess(?) sugar that influences my neurological system or simply the fact that I am eating too much overall.
So, is it the sugar/excess of calories or are the withdrawal symptoms that are starting to 'attacking' me with all their weapons? Ah!, and of course, the other option: what if are them both the causer? How can I know? Where should I take action?
Btw RRM, have you ever explored the SSRIs and how they work? Just saying this, because if I had to trust to an opinion atm, I would trust yours more rather my psychiatrists
P.S.: There's so much that I want to read here in the forum and I have been missing... Seriously, even when I am writing this, I have to do a huge effort. When I start to read/doing something, I get really lazy at continuing it and I easily forgot it in seconds. If I was very strict on the approach of 'listen to my body', I would have to go to the state of 'do nothing' right away several times on a day, because I feel quite tired immediately. It bothers my head thinking so much deeply. But guess what: the world doesn't stop... And the worst is that in 1 week I will start the first round of exams in college. At this pace, I won't probably succeed at all. I am even considering to take some supplements or something like that...
And, I must apologize once again for the trouble I caused of not choosing the proper thread to talk about some specific thing accordingly. Really sorry.