Goat cheese & acne

The reasons why it's excluded from this diet
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Goat cheese & acne

Post by dcboyer02 »


I've been off of dairy for a long time now, just started the wai diet a couple weeks ago but last night I had a salad that had some goat cheese in it and I'm wondering if that is a very bad item?

I thought maybe it was ok because its not from cows milk so it wouldn't have all the hormones and antibiotics in it?
But wasn't sure, how bad is goat cheese for acne? Is it likely to be a problem ?

I know its not on the sample diet but I was just a bit confused because all the talk about not eating/drinking dairy refers to cow products.

Thank you
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Re: Goat cheese

Post by Oscar »

As far as I know goat cheese is (almost) as bad as cow cheese where acne is concerned. Maybe there are less additives/artificial substances, but how much difference that makes I don't know.
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