egg yolks & chest/ear infection symptoms

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egg yolks & chest/ear infection symptoms

Post by Cairidh »

I used to eat 6 whole eggs blended with 3 bananas every day before I found out blending and whites are bad. I didn't have any problems from them, my hair didnt go strawlike from biotin deficiency, and I never felt ill from them. It did cause acne on my forehead which baffled me because I didn't have acne to begin with!!! I can eat all the nasties with no acne but blended banana and whoosh.....

Anyway, when I realised it was the blended banana causing the acne (and not the blended eggs) I stopped having the smoothies.

And started having raw egg yolks by themselves from a glass. Tried eating the white but it was too gross.

Anyway I don't mind raw yolks this way but my body does - every time I have them, the next day I have mild cold/flue/chest infection symptoms. Not a full blown illness, just mild symptoms. My nose is stuffy, my eyes are watery, my chest feels very stuffy and congested and it hurts a bit. My ears feel congested. I feel cold and miserable. And I have a minor outbreak of my chicken pox symptoms (which I had years ago and can't get rid of - every time I get stressed, I break out in mild symptoms including the spots but it doesn't develop into full illness)

Anyway I thought maybe it was coincidence and nothing to do with the yolks, and I tried to ignore it.

Then this week, I didn't have the egg yolks for a few days, and my symptoms cleared up. Then I ate the yolks again and the next day, all the symptoms again, and my ears were very painful, like with an ear infection. So it's definately the yolks.

It definately doesn't happen with blended eggs......which is very baffling. And it doesn't make any difference how many eggs at a time.
6 blended eggs - no symptoms
1 plain egg - major symptoms
6 plain eggs - symptoms
1 blended egg - no symptoms

and it happens with both chicken and duck eggs.
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Post by Oscar »

Very weird...I have no idea what it could be. Maybe you could stop eating yolks for a few days, then try building it up again from half a yolk?
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Post by Bambi726 »

That is strange...Do you make sure that all of the sack is removed? Do you eat organic, free-range eggs? Maybe you could try a different brand of eggs or something? Just some suggestions :)

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Post by Corinne »

It wasn't clear if you eat the whole egg or just the yolks now.
You only need the yolks but maybe Oscar is right that you have to start building up again. Do you eat your eggs all in one sitting?
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