New to forum. Questions about combining raw tuna and fruit.

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New to forum. Questions about combining raw tuna and fruit.

Post by fruitlady »

I am sort of new to this diet. I eat mainly raw fruit and avocados and some raw nuts and
raw tuna, sometimes salmon.

My main concerns/questions.....does raw tuna digest properly when it is combined in the same meal with
raw fruit? I thought maybe that this might cause incomplete protein digestion, and could lead
to autoimmune reactions to tuna, allergies, and or incomplete digestion, maybe some sort
of putrification of undigested protein in colon?

I get constipation from stress/anxiety, and have concerns about raw tuna and other fish sitting
in my colon for three or four days, waiting to be pooped out.

If fish can be eaten with fruit, are there any fruits that are better than others to combine with fish?
Any that are contraindicated?

Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.
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Re: New to forum. Questions about combining raw tuna and fruit.

Post by Aytundra »

Welcome fruitlady! :)
fruitlady wrote: I eat mainly raw fruit
What kind and how?
Fruit solo or combined?
With fiber or just the juice?
fruitlady wrote:avocados
I got constipated with eating whole banana and whole avocado last year.
I never tried banana juice or avocado juice.
But maybe others can give you a clue.
fruitlady wrote:sometimes salmon.
As far as I know, salmon is fine for me, I've only tried salmon as fish, it doesn't affect my poo noticeably, other than eating wild salmon which is a bit pinker, I might see poo with a tinge of pink from undigested fish, when I eat too much ( I probably don't bother with chewing a large piece of food well). (The pink colour from salmon is, kind of like eating corn, when the yellow corn fibers are not digested it adds bits of colour to the poo, poo gets speckled randomly.)
fruitlady wrote:My main concerns/questions.....does raw tuna digest properly when it is combined in the same meal with
raw fruit?
Fish with fruit?

I typically drink orange juice first, than fish.
Sometimes fish first (because I am really hungry) than orange juice.
- I did not note any irregularity with poo from those days.

Banana before salmon.
Salmon first than banana.
- I did not notice any hardships from this combo.
- Only if I eat 3 or more banana a day, then I get constipated from the banana, but not because of the fish.
- I know it is from three bananas, because sometimes I have some days without fish, and I get constipated.

peeled cucumber tomato before salmon.
- poo structure is usually quite nice after tomato, I imagine it gives poo some humidity.
- One time I tried sliced cucumber (like bow shaped pasta size 3 x 2 x 0.3 cm raw cucumber), layered with 2x 2 x 0.5 cm salmon pieces {experimenting with pseudo-fish-pasta (eating it felt like I was eating pasta)}, but this shape made my stomach not happy in digesting it (twisting and turning sleep), I swallowed cucumber slices with it half chewed, I think it was the length of cucumber fiber that caused my intestines to be not happy. I prefer diced cucumbers. Diced cucumber with salmon is fine, in terms of not feeling my intestines trying to process cucumber. Poo, I don't remember what happened with cucumberfish poo, i don't think it was constipated.
fruitlady wrote:in my colon for three or four days, waiting to be pooped out.
That is a long time to wait for poo.
On the other hand, that was me on cooked foods a long time ago.
I get poo regularly daily, or every other day, currently.

Are you staying hydrated enough?
Do you drink juice or just eat fruits?
I like tomatoes and cucumbers, because it gives the poo some wetness, and bulk.
For me avocado fibers and banana fibers are troublesome if too much.
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Re: New to forum. Questions about combining raw tuna and fruit.

Post by RRM »

fruitlady wrote: raw tuna digest properly when it is combined in the same meal with
raw fruit?
Fish is optimally digested when eaten alone.
To what extend fruit-fish combining may cause any incomplete digestion is individually very different,
and up to experimentation.
If i were you, i would start off by eating just fish in one meal, and eating fruits in separate meals.
Once everything goes 100% perfect, you may start to experiment with combining avocado with fish, for example,
and more unlikely combinations when everything goes well.
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Re: New to forum. Questions about combining raw tuna and fruit.

Post by fruitlady »

Thank you for the the replies. I will be doing some experimenting with this diet to see how
the digestion issues go.
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