Sugar and glycemic index

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Sugar and glycemic index

Post by andyville »

1. What happens to the glycemic index of your orange juice, if you mix it with sugar? Does it get higher, meaning it is more likely to cause blood sugar spikes?

2. Are the carbs in white sugar different from the carbs in fresh fruits? You often hear that fresh fruits are good for you and white sugar is not - why is this? And why is the white sugar accepted in this diet?

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Post by Oscar »

Maybe this clears up some of your questions?
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Re: Sugar and glycemic index

Post by johndela1 »

andyville wrote:1. What happens to the glycemic index of your orange juice, if you mix it with sugar? Does it get higher, meaning it is more likely to cause blood sugar spikes?
short answer, yes
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Post by RRM »

But if you then take smaller / less zips in one setting, it may be no difference at all.

2) Fresh fruits contain mainly sucrose, glucose and fructose. White sugar is sucrose (= glucose+fructose)
So, white sugar contains what fresh fruits contain as well.
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