Throughout evolution, there is little use of fertilizers.overkees wrote:I am just considering the fact that we got nitrate for a long time in our human evolution due to the fact that there is good evidence we used to eat several green vegetables
So, throughout evolution our nitrate intake must have been much lower.
How about courgette soup?overkees wrote:almsot all related to preassumptions of nitrate being bad and almsot every article uses well water. We don't want those articles
Do you mean the effect that increases free radicals relative to anti-oxidants?it might have a very beneficial nutrient like effect on us.
If you are not suffering from NO insufficiency, any elevation of this free radical seems unwise.How much is too much??
There is no such thing as dietary nitrate insufficiency.
If you think your blood-iodine level might be elevated, please have it checked before self-medicating with nitrate.about the iodine, I also think that we got a lot more of that too in our evolutionary past
Did you check out the thread about nitrate consumption increasing the endogenous formation of cancerous nitroso compounds?